5 Effective Ways to Choose Wall-to-Wall Carpet Colours


Carpeting is a great way to cushion your floor. It can add warmth, colour and texture to any décor style. Choosing the best one, however, isn’t easy. You need to consider fibre type, quality, pattern and colour. Usually, selecting the colour is the hardest decision. This is because wall-to-wall carpeting occupies a room’s entire surface area and the colour you select can dramatically alter its mood and appearance. That’s why you should need to keep in mind certain factors, outlined below, to make the right colour choice.


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How to Choose Carpet Colours

It can be daunting but not impossible. Just follow the tips below:

  1. Consider the colour of your existing furnishing 

Picking a carpet colourising your existing furnishings – think sofas, artwork and wall paints –as a guide can narrow down your choice. In this way, your carpet matches what you already have. Let us suppose you want your stylish living room sofa to be the room’s focal point, go for a subtle colour like beige. Or, if the sofa is bright red and the walls grey, complement dark coloured furniture pieces with a charcoal shade carpet.

Expert Tip:  Plan to change up your décor? Then don’t choose your carpet colour based on your interiors’ current colour scheme. Stick to neutral colours instead.
  1. Pick dark shades for high-traffic areas 

Each room in your home serves a different purpose and gets varying levels of foot traffic. For instance, your living room likely experiences the most, so picking a dark-coloured carpet is a good choice. In this way, you don’t see stains so readily! Your bedroom, on the other hand, likely sees fewer people trekking through it; solight-coloured carpeting is a good option.

  1. Select light colours for cramped spaces without natural light 

Do you have a cramped, window-less room? Then choose carpeting in a light or neutral shade to make it appear bright and spacious. This is especially important if you have a small home and want to open up the space. If you have a room with many windows, a dark-coloured or grey carpet will complement it.

  1. Discover your taste and preference 

When you buy a carpet, you’re investing a lot of money, so consider your needs and preferences to avoid regret. Choose four to five options and select the one that suits you most. For example, if you’re confused between slate, light and charcoal grey, pick the one you like best.

  1. Get carpet swatches 

To get an idea which carpet colour best complements your interiors, borrow carpet swatches from suppliers and place them in different rooms under varying lighting conditions. Just be sure to give them back!

And that’s how you choose a carpet colour like a pro. First, consider which match your existing furnishings. But keep in mind your own preferences. This is, after all, a big investment you want to be happy about. If you’re still unsure and need guidance, get in touch with our experts.

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